UCLA Curriculum

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UCLA SumMER Sessions for the Latest Schedule


14A. General Chemistry for Life Scientists I

Instructor: Prof. Justin Caram

Units: 4

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Introduction to physical and general chemistry principles; atomic structure based on quantum mechanics; atomic properties; trends in periodic table; chemical bonding (Lewis structures, VSEPR theory, hybridization, and molecular orbital theory); coordination compounds; properties of inorganic and organic acids, bases, buffers.

High school chemistry or equivalent background and three and one half years of high school mathematics. Requisite: Completion of Chemistry Diagnostic Test. Enforced co-requisites: Life Sciences 30A or Mathematics 3A or 31A or score of 48 or better on Mathematics Diagnostic Test. Not open to students with credit for Chem 20A.

High School: This course may be of interest to high school students who have taken AP Chemistry and are looking to take classes at UCLA.


14B. General Chemistry for Life Scientists II

Instructor: Prof. Thomas Mason

Units: 4

Session C (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Chemical equilibria in gases and liquids, acid-based equilibrium; phase changes; thermochemistry; first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics; free energy changes; electrochemistry and its role as an energy source; chemical kinetics, including catalysis, reaction mechanisms, and enzymes; use of molecular modeling software to illustrate molecular structures and their relative energies.

Chem 14A or 20A with a grade of C- or better. Enforced requisite or co-requisite: Life Sciences 30B or Mathematics 3B or 31B with a grade of C- or better. Not open to students with credit for Chem 20B or 30A.


14BL. General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

Instructors: Dr. Maher Henary

Units: 3

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: In-person

Description: Introduction to volumetric, spectrophotometric, and potentiometric analysis. Use and preparation of buffers and pH meters. Synthesis and kinetics techniques using compounds of interest to students in life sciences.

Chem 14A or 20A or 20AH with a grade of C- or better. Enforced requisite or co-requisite: Chem 14B. Not open to students with credit for Chem 20L.


14CL. General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

Instructors: Dr. Johnny Pang

Units: 4

Session C (6 Weeks)

Format: In-person

Description: Synthesis and analysis of compounds; purification by extraction, chromatography, recrystallization, and sublimation; characterization by mass spectroscopy, UV, NMR, and IR spectroscopy, optical activity, electrochemistry, pH titration.

Chem 14B and 14BL, with grades of C- or better. Enforced co-requisite: Chem 14C.


14C. Structure of Organic Molecules

Instructor: Dr. J. Rachel Prado

Units: 4

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Continuing studies in structure of organic molecules, with emphasis on biological applications. Resonance, stereochemistry, conjugation, and aromaticity; spectroscopy (NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry); introduction to effects of structure on physical and chemical properties; survey of biomolecular structure.

Chem 14B with grade of C- or better. Not open to students with credit for Chem 30A.


14D. Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals

Instructor: Dr. Frank Ow

Units: 4

Session C (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Organic reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic substitutions and additions; electrophilic aromatic substitutions, carbonyl reactions, catalysis, molecular basis of drug action, and organic chemistry of pharmaceuticals.

Chem 14C with grade of C- or better.


20A. Chemical Structure

Instructor: Dr. Randa Reslan

Units: 4

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: First term of general chemistry. Survey of chemical processes, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure and bonding, molecular spectroscopy.

High school chemistry or equivalent background and three and one half years of high school mathematics. Recommended preparation: High school physics. Requisite: Completion of Chemistry Diagnostic Test. Enforced co-requisite: Mathematics 31A.

High School: This course may be of interest to high school students who have taken AP Chemistry and are looking to taking classes at UCLA.


30A. Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity

Instructor: Prof. Hung Pham

Units: 4

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: First term of organic chemistry for Chemistry, Biochemistry, and engineering majors. Covalent bonding, shapes, stereochemistry, and acid/base properties of organic molecules. Properties, synthesis, and reactions of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. SN2, SN1, elimination, and radical reactions.

Chem 20B with grade of C- or better.


30B. Organic Chemistry II: Reactivity, Synthesis, and Spectroscopy

Instructor: Dr. Nicholas Deifel

Units: 4

Session C (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Second term of organic chemistry for Chemistry, Biochemistry, and engineering majors. Properties, synthesis, and reactions of alcohols, ethers, sulfur compounds, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and carboxylic acid derivatives. Organometallic compounds. Organic spectroscopy, including mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Chem 30A or 30AH, with a grade of C- or better.


101. Catalysis in Modern Drug Discovery

Instructors: Georgia Scherer, Allison Hands, and Zach Walters

Units: 4 - Online Course & Upper Division Elective Course

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: This course provides an overview of the drug discovery process with a focus on transition metal catalysis in the synthesis of medicines. The course will begin by discussing the process by which drugs are discovered, from lead optimization to process development. It will then shift to introduce transition metal catalysis, an area of critical importance in modern drug development. This section will cover the fundamental concepts of transition metal catalysis and how catalysis has played a transformative role in the synthesis of modern medicines. Particular attention will be paid throughout the course to discuss “case studies” that emphasize the broad impact of medicinal chemistry and the importance of catalysis in drug discovery. This course aims to highlight how organic chemistry can impact the world around us, particularly in the development of pharmaceuticals. Perfect for undergraduates, introductory graduate students, and pharmaceutical chemists.

Chem 14D or 30B with a grade of C- or better. Elective: Chem 101 will satisfy the upper-division elective requirements for the UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry undergraduate majors.


153A. Biochemistry: Introduction to Structure, Enzymes, and Metabolism

Instructor: Dr. Ryan Lannan

Units: 4

Session A (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Structure of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids; enzyme catalysis and principles of metabolism, including glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Chem 14D or 30B, with a grade of C- or better. Recommended: Life Sciences 2, 3, and 23L, or 7A


153B. Biochemistry: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis

Instructor: Dr. Ryan Lannan

Units: 4

Session C (6 Weeks)

Format: Online

Description: Nucleotide metabolism; DNA replication; DNA repair; transcription machinery; regulation of transcription; RNA structure and processing; protein synthesis and processing.

Chem 153A or 153AH. Recommended: Life Sciences 2, 3, and 23L, or 7A and 7B.